
  • Release date : Oct 22 2019 - 14:23
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The first joint Iran-China international research workshop on the knowledge of addiction

The Iranian Association of Neurosciences and the Neuroscience Research Center of Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences of Tehran in late August will host  the first joint Iran-China International Workshop on Fundamental and Clinical Addiction Research sponsored by the National Research and Technology Support Fund of Iran and the Chinese Academy of Science in order to deepen and expand cooperation between Iran-China scientific and research centers and to carry out joint research projects between the two countries. 

The workshop is a joint venture between Iranian and Chinese scholars to develop and expand international cooperation among Asian countries.  One of the goals of the two countries' first joint workshops in the field is to foster the promotion of collaborative clinical and basic research between the institute of Psychology affiliated with the Academy of Sciences of Iran and the University's scientific and research centers. 

The Neuroscience Research Center of Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences and the Iranian Neuroscience Association within the framework of planned policies, are working to expand the scope of joint fundamental and clinical research projects in the field of addiction between leading researchers and professors of Iran and China and to further enhance bilateral collaboration in scientific and specialized fields. 

This international specialized workshop on  knowledge of addiction with the support and cooperation of several support organizations and academic centers including the National Research and Technology Support Fund, Cognitive Science and Technology Development Staff, National Brain Mapping Laboratory, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences and Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tarbiat Modarres University, Tehran University, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, and Laser and Plasma Research Institute of Shahid Beheshti University will be held in Tehran for three days from August 16, 2019.

In this workshop, thirteen leading professors and researchers in basic and clinical sciences from Iran and China share their latest findings and information in the knowledge of addiction field, during which areas of joint research projects with specialized forums are also discussed.

Dr. Abbas Haghparast, Secretariat and Professor of Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences Neuroscience Research Center, invites all students, researchers, professors, and elites involved in basic research, prevention, treatment, and other specialized aspects of addiction knowledge to participate and be active in debate of this specialized scientific meeting.   from all students, researchers, professors, and elites involved in basic research, prevention, treatment and other specialized aspects of addiction knowledge to participate in this scientific meeting.

All interested people can attend the workshop for free through the link below and use the scientific lectures:

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